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Stephen O.

Stephen O. posted a comment on the song Pete Thorn (2) Episode - 25

Loved this episode!  I love all of them actually. I think Pete was correct on the Beautiful Girls intro because the riff ends on fifths, not a thirds.  It's so interesting to see how different people hear the same thing......Read more
Stephen O.

Stephen O. posted a comment on the song Craig Parker Adams Episode - 19

Thanks Craig, for sharing your amazing story and your music!  I’m curious if like me and perhaps other devoted students/protégés of EVH, have you ever found yourself very disappointed in particular eras where Edward’s tone......Read more
Stephen O.

Stephen O. liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Thanks, Deeezil, this was well worth the wait! Fantastic analysis. I particularly like when you notice passages in Ed’s solos that were similarly used before in CVH.  I’ve heard these songs a hundred times and never even......Read more
Stephen O.

Stephen O. liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

"Pat Boone, Debby Boone, Johnny Winter" LOL Loving this episode. Pleasure Dome has always been my favourite song from this album, great to hear you dissect it Dweezil!......Read more
Stephen O.

Stephen O. posted a comment on the song ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Dweezil, I have a question.  I’ve noticed that you, Steve Vai and your father have all consistently used the name “Edward” instead of “Eddie” when referring to the man, when everyone else uses “Eddie”. I’ve always used his......Read more
Stephen O.

Stephen O. posted a comment on the song ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Thanks, Deeezil, this was well worth the wait! Fantastic analysis. I particularly like when you notice passages in Ed’s solos that were similarly used before in CVH.  I’ve heard these songs a hundred times and never even......Read more
Stephen O.

Stephen O. liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Thank you Dweezil, episode 16 was great. I really like the 'DVD commentary' style of you talking over the solos and song snippets, it worked out really well.......Read more
Stephen O.

Stephen O. updated his profile
