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vanshipman liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Hi There, I know it's been very disappointing to wait for extended periods of time in between episodes. It was never foreseen that this would be the case. So many things have transpired in the last few months that have been......Read more

vanshipman posted a comment on the song ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

It’s starting to feel like we’re not getting anymore. I realize that’s not the case, but it just seems that way because I want to hear all of the great commentary on these great VH records. With no disrespect to the other......Read more

vanshipman posted a comment on the song ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

If we could get an update on when the Satch pt.2 is going to be would be awesome. ......Read more

vanshipman posted a comment on the song ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

I’m really looking forward to the break down of “A Different Kind of Truth.” I think that John Shanks figured out a way to put three gigantic titans of sound in the mix and still able to distinguish each. Alex’s snare,......Read more

vanshipman liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Not yet, Dweezil just released the 1st episode regarding the FUCK album the other day. ......Read more

vanshipman liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

Sometime between now and an eternity ......Read more

vanshipman posted a comment on the song ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

I’m wondering when to expect the next episode, does anyone know? Thanks.......Read more

vanshipman liked the comment on ALL-INCLUSIVE - 5150 Bundle

How funny! I TOTALLY remember when he used that term ( it was used in the July 88 Guitar World Magazine interview about the making of OU812 ). Never knew what effect he used that term for ( I always presumed it was for an......Read more

Dweezil this is awesome!!! 
I live in the boondocks of NC and have terrible internet access...Is it possible to purchase the entire package on CD?

Much Love & Respect,

J. Shipman