CCOOK813 liked the comment on DWEEZIL KN'EVIL BUNDLE

Hi Scott, I'm sorry to hear that the issue wasn't resolved. I have the order number and I'm going back through the account myself. I'll contact you with instructions once I see what might have happened.......Read more

CCOOK813 liked the comment on DWEEZIL KN'EVIL BUNDLE

I got the link and everything worked out. Thanks again for following up on this. Psyched to listen to it now (while wearing the shirt - ha). Appreciate it. ......Read more

CCOOK813 liked the comment on DWEEZIL KN'EVIL BUNDLE

Hi Roy, I didn't realize the track list wasn't visible here. The album is listed separately (without the shirt) as well and the track list exists on that link. Thanks to you it's now on both! As for the price, it's 32 songs......Read more

CCOOK813 became friends with Dweezil
