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Co de Kloet Himself

Co de Kloet Himself posted the blog post Vai & Co

This picture was made by Pia Vai, backstage at the GLivelab Club in Tampere Finland, September 2023. Last year Steve interviewed ME about my book on Frank, for which DZ so sweetly wrote the......Read more
Co de Kloet Himself

Co de Kloet Himself uploaded the video Vai & Co

Co de Kloet Himself

Co de Kloet Himself posted a comment on the video WATERMELON IN EASTER HAY (1ST TIME LIVE)

Dweezil, and his band for that matter, are getting better and more unique as time goes by. This weekend , on 12/4, I devote the full two hours of my Dutch radio show CO LIVE! to FZ... not just his performances, but also stuff......Read more
Co de Kloet Himself

Co de Kloet Himself became friends with Rich O.

Rich O.
Co de Kloet Himself

Co de Kloet Himself posted a comment on the song DWEEZIL KN'EVIL (LIVE CONCERT)

SIR! Just ordered it...will put some in Dutch airwaves ;-) CdK......Read more
Co de Kloet Himself

Co de Kloet Himself uploaded a photo

Co de Kloet Himself

Co de Kloet Himself posted the photo album my book

Co de Kloet Himself

Co de Kloet Himself became friends with Phil

Co de Kloet Himself

Congratulations to DZ and his friends for making this happen.