Tommy Quirk
I'm not sure if I'm more surprised that it's December or that it's 2023.
Tommy Quirk
Happy Birthday DZ!
Tommy Quirk
Polyphia taking part in Amoeba Record's "What's in my Bag?". I was looking forward to Tim Henson's choices and he did not disappoint. First choice - FZ's - Just Another Band from LA - and he describes hearing "Billy the Mountain"
Tommy Quirk
Happy Birthday DZ!
Tommy Quirk
Tommy Quirk
Beautiful day to come out of quarantine in Yougal, co Cork.
Tommy Quirk
Wife and kids are home in Chicago, I am now on COVID lockdown in Ireland. Uuuuuuuuuuuuugh!
Tommy Quirk
My wife tested positive on a pre-flight antigen test on Sunday. We've been locked away in a hotel room in Ireland since then. Hoping to be able to fly back to Chicago next week (provided we can all pass our tests again).
Tommy Quirk
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Tommy Quirk
I'm not sure who can see this, but i would like to with Joe Guzzo a very Happy Birthday today!!
Tommy Quirk
Heartbroken is the only word that comes to mind.
Tommy Quirk
The site looks incredible! Bravo!