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Dweezil liked the comment on Double Nickels (Rox P 2024)

But as you know…probably not a lot of people saw your first show at the hammersmith in 1982…happy holidays and see you soon…dd......Read more

Dweezil posted a comment on the song HORNY

Thank you! That arrangement combines all iterations of the composition.......Read more

Dweezil posted a comment on the song HORNY

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the album and tour!......Read more

Dweezil posted a comment on the song HORNY

It was pulled from an unreleased instrumental that my dad was working on in 1980. We used sections in Bamboozled by Love on that tour as well as the pre-amble to Beautiful Guy. i did add my own thing on top of the bamboozled......Read more

Dweezil posted a comment on the song HORNY

Thank you! Glad you’re enjoying the music.......Read more

Dweezil posted a comment on the song HORNY

The song selections should be working. Can you please verify that you are able to listen and download with your silver subscription? Thanks!......Read more

Dweezil posted the song WHO NEEDS THE PEACE CORPS 1970


Dweezil posted the song BAMBOOZLED BY LOVE


Coming to Canada are you! Great stuff


Hey good looking! 

Al A. Kazam


May the Winter/Spring tour be a smashing success, and enjoyed by all. 

Yours truly,

Al A. Kazam 


Al A. Kazam


I have a security concern. I have noticed, that when clicking on another member’s profile name here. The new page will open as logged-out, in a new DZ clone web site with a completely different web address that isn’t DZ. dot com. 

One of them is “dzworld dot com,” and another one is “running with the dweezil dot com.”

I have taken screen captures of this behavior, that you can see at the bottom of this message.

Is this web site being spoofed? If someone accidentally tries to log in on one of the alt pages, will their log in information be stolen? 


Al A. Kazam

Steve Thorne

Since it was a tour question I didn't get to answer in person, the gateway album for me was:

Yep. Mud sharks and the rest.

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