Einar F.

Man-oh-man, I fit the demographic!!  I'm an EVH nut...I was twelve in 1982 and have been acting hypnotized, by all things VH, ever since.  I have thoughtfully viewed the VH phenomenon, as an outsider, from all sorts of angles and tangents over the years.  I think my most favorite, most unresolved, fascination with him is contained in this thought:  we (the world at large) witnessed, first-hand, the good...the widespread powerful good...that can come from journeying to the center of yourself (introversion) and courageously sharing the results.  What EVH unearthed within himself and shared is astounding.  To me, it's the sound of frenetic enthusiasm.  How fortunate are we to be the beneficiaries?

I am really looking forward to what you endeavor upon!!  It's gonna be GREAT!!
Einar William Freberg


Hi Billy,

I agree, EVH was brilliant in many ways and we are lucky that he found a way to share his talents with all of us.

Buddy Seamus

Wow Dweezil just listened to the first podcast and that was fantastic! The other day someone posted a photo of Eddie Van Halen with Allan Holdsworth from that evening Steve Vai ran into Edward. Ed went on stage that night with THAT purple guitar you guys were just talking about. Stupid question but I gotta ask...I assume that is the inspiration for your Z-era epic tune “Purple Guitar”?


Hi Buddy,

Yep, Purple Guitar definitely took most of its inspiration from that experience. Glad you're enjoying the podcast!

Tucker C.

First ep was so awesome I didn't want it to end. Eagerly anticipating the rest. Thank you for this.


Hi Tucker,

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! We will keep them coming each week!

Rocco Pezzin

Got the whole 5150 package and I've just finished listening to the first episode, amazing stuff!! I can't wait for the next one, really looking forward to the brown sound episode too! Thanks Dweezil! 


Glad you're enjoying it Rocco! The Brown Sound episode is going to be a lot of fun and will be very educational as well. The next episode is part 2 with Steve Vai. Premiering next week.

Dimitri Laskas

Hey Dweezil,

This is so awesome, I got the whole enchilada and cant wait to hear the whole series!!  Just listened to episode 1 with Steve Vai, this is so cool to hear all the back stories and you two chatting away about music and your history as friends... Miss seeing and hearing you play live but this whole new format is great, was at Tarrytown show and its been too long, hope to see you guys in 2021 .. Stay Safe..

Dimitri from NY



Hi Dimitri,

Thanks so much, I'm glad you're enjoying the series! It's pretty crazy that live music has been halted indefinitely. When we are able to play again I look forward to seeing you there! Be well, DZ