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David D

I was there also…I was at the blender the night before and dz was playing it during sound check and Kurt said I guess we will be playing that tomorrow…it was very emotional for all…dz…hope you’re doing well and hope you guys are back on tour soon…all the best…dd

Richard Drakes

Hey David. Dammit I was at the Blender (Gramercy) too. Never knew you were there! At least we caught up at the Beacon

David D

Hey Richard…great to meet you there also…and thanks for the shirt…I think I remember seeing that guy McEnroe at the show too…dd

Eric C.

Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving. It was such a great closing number. Always brings a tear to my eyes. Last imaginary guitar solo. 

Eric C.

Thanks i was there. Why did you stop playing it live? One night you played it in NY, the sound system was crapping out causing feedback and distortion. YThat was the last time i saw you play watermelon live. 


Hi Eric,

I played it a lot on a few tours. It's always been a tough one for me to play.


Ah... so sweet.  Can’t get enough of that. My ‘guitar nerd’ buddies and I were jamming Watermelon in Easter Hay the other night as one of our setlist items.  Your Dad is shining down on you during this moment and is quite special.  I do recall seeing you play it at the Roxy live during those amazing shows!

Can’t wait to see the new tour plans Dweezil!


Wow. You feel the raw emotion vibrate off the guitar strings. What an incredible moment captured. It’s hard to watch that and not feel something. 
amazing stuff 


The Liverpool UK vershum


Your father would be so proud.


Absolutely heartbreaking and wonderful. I cry everytime I see you play this.