You should be proud.
You should be proud.
I can't help but think about what a fantastic son Dweezil is. I can not attest to his personal life and I do not care to. But the manner in which he carrys himself, honors his father's legacy and continues to produce and distribute Frank's art would make any father proud. it would be tough to take on that body of work and learn it well enough to be able to do it justice but not make it your own. They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery, What would you call faithfully reproducing the groove ,tone and PRAT (pace , rhythm and timing) of a work to the point of recapturing the feel of the original? I am a 56 year old father of one and all I know is Frank raised a hell of a son and were I him looking down from where ever he is my eye would bear a tear and my heart would be full of the pride I feel for the man before me.
Kudos to both of you
Being proud of yourself is just another way of saying you have a strong sense of self-worth. People who are proud of themselves tend to have a great passion for life, feel content and grateful, and are excellent at motivating others.. Women tend to feel guilty when they are focusing on themselves.
Agree 100 %. Saw Dweezil on his first year and had high hopes but obviously no idea how well he'd pull it off. The first song of the first tour was 'Andy' and when he took his first solo, I was blown away. My thought was... 'Oh Wow, he's going to play at THIS level'. I wanted him to succeed and would have appreciated a competent, mediocre rendition of Franks music just because I'm such a fan and was rooting for him. However, I know instantly that he'd reached a level of musicianship that was startling and that he was going all out to perform Frank's music and get it right. Not only was I delighted - I knew that Frank would approve. Kudos indeed.
Yess you are right i am totally agree with you this kid was such a inspiration for others who just use their father to grow up and then they dumb their parents this is so shameful and i thank god that i am not in them.