Rasta Guitar Pickup

David P.

Hi Dweezil, Any chance this could be the same pickup as in your Rasta guitar? 


Brian A.

Just when I thought I had seen every amazing video of this genius, I stumble onto this. There's no denying that he was the greatest.


Taylor C.

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Jeffree  S.

Pickup configurations can vary between different guitars, even within the same model range NFL Grid

Charles T.

Nice guitar

Brian B.

Yes. The Rasta pick up is great.

Drew B.

These Rasta guitars frequently include distinctive artwork, Rastafarian symbols, or lyrics, as well as vivid hues like the ovo game red, green, and yellow found on the Rastafarian flag.

Paul K.

How long have you been learning to play guitar? I've been learning to use it for 2 years but I still can't play it well.

Emilyy E.

Its sound is great

Isydua P.

I stumble across this right when I thought I had seen all the brilliant footage of this brilliance. He was the best, and there is no disputing that.

Stefan H.

David, my apologies if I misunderstood your question. It appears that a Rasta guitar may not have a specific "black Rasta pickup" as I previously stated. To replicate the sound of your guitar, it would be best to consult with a guitar expert or the manufacturer of your Rasta guitar to determine the specific type of pickup used. Additionally, researching pickups known to produce a similar sound to what you are seeking in your Rasta guitar may be beneficial in your search for the ideal pickup.

It's great if I've told you something useful,
Stefan Heisl
Developer at Andersen.

Angelo P.


David P.

Ok, got it. Dweezil, It's so awesome to be able to chat with you. Thanks for all you do for your fans! 


Not sure. The Rasta pick up has those style blades but the pick up is black. That one looks like it's white or cream colored.

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