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GuitrMagic liked the comment on Dweezil Zappa Lick Challenge Entry!
Sounds great! Before this contest, I was not always interested in hybrid picking, but now, I love the way this sounds! Now I'll have to try it more! ......Read more

GuitrMagic became friends with David " DMC " McCain

GuitrMagic liked the comment on Dweezil Lick Pedal Challenge Entry
Your technique is excellent! I can’t imagine it getting any better!......Read more

GuitrMagic liked the comment on Dweezil Lick Pedal Challenge Entry
It's in the ball park. The tone isn't terrible by the way.......Read more

GuitrMagic liked the video Dweezil's Lick Contest

GuitrMagic became friends with Tenzin Ruggiero

GuitrMagic liked the video Peaches 2016