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egross714 posted a comment on the video What Does Geroge Duke Think?
George Duke used to be my landlord when I lived in the Hollywood Hills!......Read more

egross714 liked the forum post Re: "Via Zammata' demos and rarities"
Donny Osmond sang "Stayin' Alive" that night if I recall correctly.......Read more

egross714 replied to the forum post "Via Zammata' demos and rarities"
Thank you Dweezil!
I have seen you perform several times over the years. I was lucky enough to attend your record release party for Confessions at the Whisky back in the day.......Read more

egross714 posted the forum post "Via Zammata' demos and rarities"
Can someone please point me in the right direction as to where I might be able to purchase a copy of the "Via Zammata' demos and rarities". I didn’t know until today that this even existed and I am dying to own a copy.......Read more